And the Countdown Begins…

Extended winter Spring Break is officially over. During my break, I chose to work full-time at Land O’ Lakes. By working 40 hours a week compared to 15 hours, I was able to gain more insight into the sales field. I was able to work on projects for Customer Development Managers and attend meetings. The projects I was assigned helped me to gain more confidence in RetailLink. RetailLink is a decision support system that acts as a bridge between Wal-mart and its suppliers. If you plan to work in retail and sales in NWA, it is an essential skill to have.

Since I did not leave NWA, I decided to explore what it has to offer a little more. Below are some pictures from my visit to Crystal Bridges.

Crystal Bridges Entrance

Crystal Bridges Entrance

Admiring the art

Beautiful Scenery

Picture this…

I want to try my best to keep you informed on the life of a MBA graduate student. Yes, academics consume a significant portion of my time. However, I still try to make time for other things. Below is a snapshot of what’s been going on with me lately.


On my first day back from spring break, Dr. Kali greeted us with a midterm for Economics of Supply Chain and Retail Management. That was the last midterm of the semester. I can’t even express the joy I felt once my last midterm was over. The weeks leading up to our midterms were very demanding. Now, my peers and I can take a little breather before preparing to dive in for the home stretch. This semester will be over in less than two months. Time truly is flying.


There’s no way I can end my March blogs without mentioning March Madness. The “madness” has been taken to another level this year. As I’ve mentioned before, I am very competitive. It hurts my heart to say this but my bracket is FAILING. I think I may have shed a tear when Georgetown went down. They were playing like they didn’t want to win. It felt like every time I blinked they were sending FGCU to the free throw line. Since the games start back tomorrow, I need Indiana or Louisville to pull through for me. Yes, I have two brackets. Dr. Jandik has been teaching us lately about diversifying risks. I am trying to apply that concept to other areas in my life. I hope that it pays off.


One of my favorite TV dramas is ABC’s Scandal. Kerry Washington (Olivia Pope) is a force to be reckoned with. She has people around the world wanting to be a gladiator in a suit. Thankfully, a new episode came on last week. This show is the highlight of my Thursday nights. ABC should not be allowed to go three weeks without playing a new episode of this show. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you are missing out. You should get on Netflix and start watching from Season 1.


This semester I have been extremely busy. I haven’t made as much time to work out as I would like. However, I did get a chance to attend a Zumba class at World Gym this week. Now that was a workout. I am looking forward to going again this week. Operation “Get Fit” is in full effect!

Well that’s all I have for now. I hope you make the most of the rest of your week.

Wise Words...

Wise Words…

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